Sunday 2 March 2014

The Hippocampus and episodic memory:

The Hippocampus and episodic memory:

The hippocampus (meaning seahorse, named for its curved shape) is an important component of the brain. Much is still unknown about the hippocampus, but it is now widely accepted that the hippocampus plays important roles in

  • Episodic memory,
  • Navigation

The hippocampus is an elaboration of the edge of the medial temporal cortex. It is a paired structure and there is one found in each hemisphere of the brain.

A number of adjacent areas of the brain interact in important ways with the hippocampus and these areas all together are known as the hippocampal formation.
A cross section of the hippocampus reveals these important areas:

 The major groups of cell bodies which make up the hippocampal formation are:
  • CA areas, these together are the hippocampus proper, they are named Cornu ammonis, (meaning rams horns due to their shape). There are four of these areas, and they progress in sequence, CA4, CA3, CA3, CA1. The main cells in this part of the hippocampus are pyramidal cells.
  • The next area is the dentate gyrus, so named because of its resemblance to a tooth. The cells in this area are called granule cells, so named because they have tiny cell bodies.
  • The next area is the subiculum; this is continuous with the Cornu Ammonis areas and is also composed of pyramidal neurones.
  • The final area is the entorhinal cortex; this is an area of the cerebral cortex adjacent to the hippocampus.

All input into the hippocampal formation enters through the entorhinal cortex. The axons of the entorhinal cortex project mostly to the cells in the dentate gyrus (but also into CA3 and CA1). This fibre tract is known as the perforant path (as it perforates the subiculum)
The cells in the Dentate Gyrus then project their axons (known as mossy fibres) to the spiny dendrites of the cells in CA3 .
The cells in CA3 then send their axons (known as Shaffer collaterals) to the cells in CA1. There are also many recurrent connections with CA3.
The cells in CA1 then send their axons to the cells in the subiculum. And the cells in the subiculum complete the loop by sending their projections back to the entorhinal cortex.
This can be schematically represented as below:

Hippocampal indexing theory:
One of the most popular theories concerning the role of the hippocampus in episodic memory is hippocampal indexing theory.
This theory states that;
When we have a conscious experience, many different areas of the neocortex are activated, corresponding to the different aspects of that experience. (for example the visual cortex for the visual aspect the auditory cortex for the auditory aspects, ect..)
When we remember then remember that episode later on, similar areas of the neocortex are reactivated, and this is what results in our re-experiencing of the event.

 The hippocampus acts as an index, storing the different patterns of neocortex activity, associated with all our different memories.
The process is thought to be as follows;
The Entorhinal cortex receives inputs from all parts of the neocortex, in a compressed manner.

It then projects through the perforant pathway projects to the dentate gyrus, and then from the dentate gyrus to CA3.

The CA3 autoassociator:
The CA3 area is thought to act as a autoassociator, due to its dense reciprocal connections.
Each pattern of neocortex activity is results in a unique input pattern activating a unique subpopulation of neurones. Due to the dense reciprocal connections, when these neurones are activated at the same time, the connections between them are strengthened.
This allows for a process called pattern completion. in the future whenever a feature of the original experience is presence, it actives a portion of the previous neurones, these then activate any other neurones they are strongly connected to, allowing recall of a whole memory from just a part of an experience.

The dentate gyrus pattern separation:
However in order for the CA3 autoassociator to work correctly, inputs need to be relatively unique. If inputs to an autoassociator are very similar, interference can occur.
For example:
Imagine we have autoassociator which is presented with the number sequences 3,4,5 and 5,6,7. Each activate a unique set of neurones and result in separately indexed memories.

Now when pattern completing, there is an overlap between the two inputs. This means the outputs may be either of the memories and the network will get confused. To avoid these we need a process known as pattern separation. This is essentially where a network will take in two patterns, and produce an output which is less similar.

 The mechanism of pattern separation in the dentate gyrus is not completely understood, but multiple possibilities have been proposed.
One possible mechanism may be that there are many more cells in the dentate gyrus which project onto relatively fewer cells in CA3, meaning the chance that any two populations of cells in the dentate gyrus project to the same cells in CA3 is low.

 Therefore the dentate gyrus ensures that unique populations of cells get activated each time.
However evidence suggests this may not be the only mechanism; differences in spiking frequency are another possibility.
The dentate gyrus cells change their rate of firing with new information, with some increasing their frequency and some decreasing their frequency. The higher frequency a DG neurone fires the more neurotransmitter it releases and the more likely it is to activate the downstream CA3 neurone, so changes in frequency with some DG neurones increasing their frequency and some decreasing their frequency could also activate unique populations of cells

Hippocampal output and memory recall:
So now we’ve seen how a memory consist of patterns of neocortical activation, which can be condensed and sent to the entorhinal cortex, undergo pattern separation and then bound together and indexed in the CA3 autoassociator. Then, when a feature of the original stimulus is presented it activates a subpopulation of the original neurones activated in CA3 and their recurrent connections allow reactivation of the remaining neurones making up the pattern.
The final step is to see how the hippocampus reactivates the appropriate areas of the cortex.
This is thought to be mediated by CA1.
The Entorhinal cortex not only presents to the DG but also to CA1,

This means that when the neurones are activated in CA3, also activated in CA1 is another representation of the cortical pattern. As these two populations of neurones are activated at the same time they undergo synaptic plasticity and the connections between them are strengthened. This means that the neurones from CA3 activate the neurones in CA1 corresponding to the correct cortical areas. These then project back to the entorhinal cortex, which has reciprocal connections to many areas of the cortex, reactivating the same combination of cortical areas as the input and causing us to re-experience the event as a memory.  

Monday 24 February 2014

Brain's Explained

I've also started a YouTube channel called "brains explained", where I try to simply explain, important neuroscience concepts. 

Sunday 28 October 2012

Neuroplasticity part 2 - Spike timing dependant plasticity

Spike timing dependant plasticity:
However it has become apparent that the neuroplasticity may be more complicated than Hebbian plasticity. In particular timing plays a very important role.

This new form of plasticity is called spike timing dependant plasticity (STDP)

Language of STDP
Action potentials in the presynaptic cell cause synaptic potentials in the post synaptic cells.
These can be excitatory or inhibitory:

·         Excitatory post synaptic potential – EPSP
·         Inhibitory post synaptic potential – IPSP

Usually a single synapse induces a sub-threshold potential,
When many (hundreds) combine they cause a depolarisation.

  • Strengthening of a synapse is known as:  - Long term potentiation
The EPSP evoked by the presynaptic cell on that synapse will be greater. This is what we mean by increasing the synaptic strength. LTP increases the EPSP. This potentiation only occurs at those synapses which where stimulated.

  • The weakening of synaptic strengths is known as -  Long term depression.
The EPSP will be smaller, This is what we mean when we say a synapse is weakened. LTD decreases the EPSP

Temporal specificity:
What determines whether a synapse will undergo LTP or LTD? it’s all a matter of timing.

  • If the presynaptic neurone fires before the post synaptic neurone within the preceding 20ms – long term potentiation occurs.

  • If the presynaptic neurone fires after the post synaptic neurone, within the following 20ms  – Long term depression occurs.

There is a critical window for synaptic plasticity, with the peak time for changes to synaptic strengths being in 20 seconds before and after an action potential.

We can then alter the initial Hebbian hypothesis to include the new findings;

If the presynaptic neurone fires within a window of 20ms before the postsynaptic window the synapse will be strengthened (LTP), however if the presynaptic neurone fires within a window of 20ms after the postsynaptic neurone, the synapse will be weakened.


Although the key time window for effective synaptic modification is 20ms, in certain circumstances the window can be increased to up to 40 milliseconds.

This is due to associativity.

Some weak synaptic inputs that cause only small EPSPs will not lead to LTP,
However if these arrive close in time to a larger input, both these synapses will show LTP.

This means that weak inputs that are not normally able to modify synapses, do cause synaptic strengthening if associated with another strong input.

This is what is meant by associativity

Cellular mechanism of neuroplasticity:

The cellular mechanism can vary depending in which area of the brain the memory is stored and which type of memory is being encoded. The classic and most widely studied type is that in the hippocampus and is thought to the basis for long-term memory, which we will discuss now.

Glutamate receptors:
Glutamate is released from the presynaptic neurone.
Glutamate activates glutamate receptors.

There are two particularly important glutamate receptors,
  • AMPA receptor
  • NDMA receptor

The AMPA receptor is permeable to K+ and Na+ and it is this inward flux through the AMPA receptor which depolarises the cell.

The NDMA receptors in contrast are blocked by magnesium at negative voltages, and therefore do not significantly contribute to the postsynaptic depolarisation of the cell. However once the cell is depolarised the magnesium is displaced, and ions then flow through the NDMA receptor. Importantly the NDMA receptor also allows calcium to flow through.

It is the nature of the calcium current which causes Spike timing dependant plasticity.

Calcium current and timing:

If the presynaptic neurone fires first:
It becomes depolarised and release glutamate
The glutamate binds to AMPA receptors causing it to depolarise,
At the same time it and binds NDMA receptors,
as the cell is depolarised it causes a large calcium influx.

If the post synaptic neurone fires first.
It becomes depolarised.
As it is repolarising the presynaptic neurone fires, and releases glutamate.
 glutamate binds to the NDMA receptors, but Because the cell is repolarising it is at a lower voltage,
This means fewer NDMA can open.
This leads to a more moderate calcium influx.

  • A large calcium influx leads to LTP
  • A small calcium influx leads to LTD

Recycling of AMPA receptors:
In the cell, AMPA receptors are constantly being recycled.
New ones are undergoing exocytosis onto the perisynaptic sites where they then migrate the post synaptic areas. Receptors at the post synaptic areas are migrating to perisynaptic sites where they undergo endocytosis and are brought back into the cell.
Endosomes inside the post synaptic neurone are thought to contain a pool of AMPA receptors.

A large calcium influx increases the number of AMPA receptors:
A calcium influx large enough to cross a critical threshold will activate calcium dependant kinases, most importantly CaMKII.
These kinases alter the recycling of AMPA receptors, in particular they increase the exocytosis of them.
This increases the number of AMPA receptors on the post synaptic terminal.
They also change the structure of the AMPA receptors to make them more permeable.

This means when this synapse is triggered again, more AMPA receptors are there to open, more current flows through and the EPSP is increased.

A small calcium influx decreases the number of AMPA receptors
A more moderate calcium influx does not cross the critical threshold to activate calcium dependant kinases, and instead it only activates protein phosphatases.

These again alter the recycling of AMPA receptors, but in the opposite way.
They increase the endocytosis of AMPA receptors, decreasing the number of them at the post synaptic terminal.
Phosphatases, also de phosphorylate receptors and make them less permeable.

This means when the synapse is triggered again, fewer receptors are there to open, less current flows through and the EPSP is decreased.

In Summary. the plasticity is our brain is all due to the timing of synaptic potentials.
is the pre synaptic neurone fires before the post synaptic neurone, the synapse will be strengthened
if the post synaptic neurone fires before the pre synaptic neurone, the synapse will be weakened.
This all due to the nature of the calcium influx, a large influx increases the number of AMPA receptors, leading to LTP and a small influx decreases the number of AMPA receptors, leading to LTP.

How the brain manages such temporal precision will become apparent in the next entry, on neuronal oscillations.


Mu-ming Poo Part 1: The Cellular Basis of Learning and Memory.

Hebb, D.O. (1949). The organization of behaviour. New York: Wiley & Sons

Postsynaptic protein phosphorylation and LTP. Soderling TRDerkach VA. Trends Neurosci. 2000 Feb;23(2):75-80.

Synaptic Plasticity: Multiple Forms, Functions, and Mechanisms. Ami Citri. Robert C Malenka. Neuropsychopharmacology (2008) 33, 18–41

Paul C. Bressloff, lectures in mathematical neuroscience
(date accessed 28/10/2012)

It is important to note that the neuroplasticity coverd here is that of STDP in the hippocampus. But there are other types of synaptic plasticity, acting with different mechanism and at different timescales, to perform different functions. The nature of neuroplasticity itself is very plastic! a phenomena known as metaplasticity.